Before the United States District Court
For The Eastern District of Washington
The Honorable Tim O Rice, Presiding
920 West Riverside Ave
Spokane, WA 99201
Michael E. Horowitz
US Department of Justice
Office of Inspector General
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.Suite 4706
Washington, D.C. 20530-0001
(202) 514-3435
Michael C. Ormsby, U.S. Attorney
United States Attorneys Office
P.O. Box 1494
Spokane, WA 99210-1494
(509) 353-2767
Fax Line: (509) 353-2766
Chris Walters
Michael Horowitz
2:13-cv-00001-TOR Walters v. Horowitz
The Honorable Thomas O. Rice, Presiding
Now comes the Plaintiff Pro Se Chris Walters in this COMPLAINT before the Honorable United States
District Court Eastern District of Washington to wit:
Jurisdictional Statement/h5>
Title 28 USC 1331 Federal Question is generally the proper jurisdiction for questions relating to United
States statutes such as �The US Patriot Act� and the US Department of Justice Inspector General has
statutory authority to receive questions pursuant to Section 1001 of the USA Patriot Act.
Cause of Action
Chris Walters asks if possible ongoing misuse of US Patriot Act resources going back at least a decade is
creating a question as to the constitutionality of the US Patriot Act as cited in appended AMICUS CURIEA
Relief Sought
If the Defendant has an interest in pursing the questions the Court would supervise
Depositions, hearings, and other matters.
Respectfully Submitted By
Chris Walters Plaintiff Pro Se
1224 E Trent Ave
Spokane, WA 99202
Now comes the Plaintiff Pro Se Chris Walters in this Amicus Curiae Brief on the Constitutionality of the US
Patriot Act before the Honorable United States District Court Eastern District of Washington to wit:
This is a question of law concerning possible misuse of law enforcement and intelligence assets relating to the
US Patriot Act where it appears some of the assets have been used to facilitate criminal or terrorist activities
some of the events cited dating back to 1993.
Jurisdictional Statement
1. Title 28 USC 1331 Federal Question is generally the proper jurisdiction for questions relating to
United States statutes such as �The US Patriot Act�.
2. The United States Supreme Court has protected citizens rights to the due protection of the law
from malicious or inaccurate entries in the NCIC also known as Title 28 USC 534 Acquisition,
preservation as cited it:
Before the United States District Court
For The Eastern District of Washington
The Honorable Tim O Rice, Presiding
920 West Riverside Ave
Spokane, WA 99201
Michael E. Horowitz
US Department of Justice
Office of Inspector General
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.Suite 4706
Washington, D.C. 20530-0001
(202) 514-3435
Michael C. Ormsby, U.S. Attorney
United States Attorneys Office
P.O. Box 1494
Spokane, WA 99210-1494
(509) 353-2767
Fax Line: (509) 353-2766
Chris Walters
Michael Horowitz
2:13-cv-00001-TOR Walters v. Horowitz
The Honorable Thomas O. Rice, Presiding
3. Tarlton V Saxbe (1994)11 165 App DC 293. 507 F2d 1116. case remanded (DC Dist Col) 407 F
Supp 1083 "
Congress did not intend to authorize FBI to damage reputation of innocent individuals in
contravention of settled common law principles hence, Congress did not intend through
USCS 534 to authorize FBI to disseminate in accurate criminal information without taking
reasonable precautions to prevent inaccuracy; dissemination of inaccurate criminal
information without precaution of reasonable efforts to forestall inaccuracy restricts
subject's liberty without any procedural safeguards designed to prevent such inaccuracies
to permit FBI to disseminate inaccurate criminal information without FBI making reasonable
effort to prevent inaccuracy would be tantamount to accuse individuals of criminal conduct
without ever providing such individuals opportunity to disprove that accusation: reliable
and responsible performance of record-keeping function requires such reasonable care as FBI
is able to afford to avoid injury to innocent citizens through dissemination of inaccurate information."
4. The Court also rules in McKnight v Webster (1980,Ed PA 499 F Supp 420)
FBI has duty to request correct information from local law enforcement agencies which initially reported
Plaintiff arrest when Plaintiff informs FBI its records are inaccurate. �the scope and intent of the law
Title 28 USC 534 Acquisition, preservation, was clearly to acquire and maintain records on crime and criminals
of the good of the country�
5. The Court also rules in Mendard V Mitchell (1971, DC Dist (24 Col) 328 F Supp 718, remanded
on other grounds 162 App DC 284, 498 F2d 1017,28 ARL Fed 248...( superseded by statute on other
grounds as stated in Utz v. Cullinam e, 172 App DC 67, 520 F2d 467)
File of arrest records is designed only to facilitate coordinated law enforcement activities, between federal
and local government, that is to assist arresting, agencies, courts, and correctional institutions in
apprehension, conviction, , and proper disposition or criminal offenders.
6. In United States v Haldeman, Erlichman and Dean during the Watergate era 40 some odd former
government employees were sentenced to a combined 200 years in federal prison for violation of
counsels privileged papers under Title 18 USC 242 Deprivation of rights under color of law.
7. The Bush Administration publicly admitted it was responsible for abuse of National Security Assets and
Warrant-less wiretaps as cited in Exhibit C on CD Rom in computer file D://hssecurity/spysareact/index16.htm.
8. In 2005 US Congressman Bob Goodlatte of Virginia authored the US Spyware Act to try and address computer
hacking issues associated with spyware; malware; and virus.
9. FBI Director Robert Mueller III threatened to resign in 2005 over the abuse related to warrant less wire taps
and 2010 The Honorable US District Court Judge Vaughn Walker of USDC Northern District of California
issues a ruling challenged the use of warrant less search warrants in case involving Al-Haramain Islamic
Foundation find the process unconstitutional.
10. In July 20, 2010 FBI Director Robert Mueller III testified before the US Senate Judiciary Committee
that FBI Agents had cheated on their national security exams and engaged in criminal investigations
where no evidence of a crime was committed.
11. US Attorney General Eric Holder has reigned in abuse of intelligence assets and discharged employees engaged
in possible violations of US Department of Justice Standards.
Before the United States District Court
For The Eastern District of Washington
The Honorable Tim O Rice, Presiding
920 West Riverside Ave
Spokane, WA 99201
Michael E. Horowitz
US Department of Justice
Office of Inspector General
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.Suite 4706
Washington, D.C. 20530-0001
(202) 514-3435
Michael C. Ormsby, U.S. Attorney
United States Attorneys Office
P.O. Box 1494
Spokane, WA 99210-1494
(509) 353-2767
Fax Line: (509) 353-2766
Chris Walters
Michael Horowitz
2:13-cv-00001-TOR Walters v. Horowitz
The Honorable Thomas O. Rice, Presiding
12. US Senate Judiciary has issued a press release in December, 2012 that it is currently passing a bill which will
largely restrict wireless search warrants; except in emergencies.
1. Exhibit C Submitted as �evidence and testimony before Congress has a record file on CD-Rom
known as E:\hssecurity\sanctions\index.html
which concerns an arrest in June/July 1993 in Dallas, TX BNOO935054616.
2. The record shows no trial ever took place but the Dallas Police Department entered a conviction
into the NCIC and when the matter was later discovered and reviewed in USDC Nevada MV96-
cvs-894 HDM an extensive conspiracy occurred to prevent the civil action entitled Walters v
Freeh from reaching adjudication so as to prevent judicial review of the questions at bar.
3. The conspiracy expanded to steal the pretrial documents mailed to Chris Walters ; theft of USDC
documents being was blessed by the Honorable Judge Garland Burelll in Walters v Deatheridge
and Austin USDC EDC Misc 96-307GEB and appearance of a possible terrorist associated with the
4. Ongoing attempts to maintain the fictitious conviction through a conspiracy occurred in Walters V
US Marshal A:99-CA-098SS USDC Austin, TX the Honorable Judge Sam Sparks presiding and the
appearance of the 2nd terrorist coincides with the retirement of Secretary of Treasury James Reuvin
5. A question as to the constitutionality of USC 534 Acquisition, preservation, and FBI Charter were created
where US government resources including the NCIC were used in a conspiracy to deny Chris Walters the due
process of the law to maintain a record of a nonexistent conviction.
1. As cited in Exhibit C: D://ssi/clinton/index.html Mr. Manuel Flores Counselor at San Antonio
Junior college in San Antonio, Texas is explaining to Chris Walters he is part of an extensive
conspiracy to deny Chris Walters his SSI benefits and is working closely with the campus Police
Training School to engage in stalking of Chris Walters and engaged in extensive electronic
computer hacking...
2. Mr. Manuel Flores goes on to explain he would be glad to appear in a US District Court, and claimed
bragging rights which is USDC, WDT civil case SA97CA1327 which did not go to trial when Chris
Walters moved to another city.